Thankyou for taking the time to provide feedback on one of our referees.
As a whole, players will make far more mistakes than any referee in any match. Referees are not perfect. They will make mistakes. Some minor, some major. Referees are here refereeing in the Shire to develop and learn skills to improve and become better, and because they want to contribute to this sport in the Shire. Without referees we would have no game. They have stepped up where others would not.
Please keep in mind the following:
HAVE WE DONE WELL? Your positive feedback will help us identify talent, retain referees, and result in referees like the ones you had today officiating your matches more often.
DO WE NEED TO IMPROVE? Your constructive feedback will be shared directly to our referee coaches and used as part of the ongoing education and development of all match officials in the Shire.
We offer this for development of referees only. Please keep in mind that we are looking for positive feedback and constructive feedback only. Feedback outside these boundaries is deleted without being read. Anonymous responses are not read.
What you say here could be subject to SSFA's disciplinary procedures (and FA's safeguarding procedures). Please do not include anything offensive, abusive or insulting towards the referee. A copy of your responses may be provided to your club secretary.
While we appreciate all feedback, we do not respond to all feedback - we have internal procedures for responding to feedback.
Did you know that you can improve your knowledge of the laws of the game by doing a free online course - just go to learn.footballaustralia.com.au and sign up for a Laws of the Game course. If you enjoy that, then come and join us by completing the Junior Match Official Course.
Happy to proceed? Click the button below - It will only take five minutes of your time.
We strongly suggest letting some time pass before completing the below form. The best feedback we receive is 12-24 hours after a match, after the immediacy of the match has passed and some processing time has occurred.